Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I loved Jeff Jacoby's column in today's (10/17/07) Globe. There's no question that the socialist teacher's union has pushed it's agenda at the expense of all efforts at improving education. I have to say that I find Edward's remark ridiculous. Why is it that these fools don't feel that they have the right to impose their views on their children but that they have a God given right to dictate to the rest of us? I realize that Edwards had no role in the "play" but here in Massachusetts the pols have no problem dictating to the people they supposedly represent. Seat belts, tax roll back, even the same-sex marriage invention got shoved down everyone's throats. They KNOW the seat belt law is good so it gets pushed on us twice. They want our money so they ignore a roll back referendum. They were afraid that the people wouldn't "do the right thing" so they conspired to force the gay marriage deal on everyone even though they had a chance to legislate it into law. I would likely have voted to allow gay marriage had I been trusted to do so. It's none of my business what anyone else does if it doesn't effect me. I guess I would have made a crappy politician and a worse teacher. Sadly these fools know less about history than they do about government. The wheel may turn slowly, but it turns. Someday, I hope I'm long gone by then, there will be a violent backlash against this foolish pandering. What we get afterwards could make the French Revolution and Nazi Germany look like garden parties. Hopefully some of these hypocrites will be the ones with their heads on the pikes. Edwards would still look good with his $400 haircut.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Lord save us from this beast!

$5,000 savings Bonds for every child born in the USA?!?!? What happened to “Zero Population Growth”?

Government handout of $1,000 for people who start a 401(k)!?!?!

Socialized medical care!?!?!?!

Is there anyone else out there listening to this crap? Who is going to pay for all of this? Oh, I forgot. "The Rich". Those dirty bastards who have money. (Clintons and friends excepted of course.) Does no one study economics anymore? Now the lady in waiting has decided that a prohibitive tax on estates over $7 million will fund this give away. Why do socialist persist in living in a vacuum? Do they not realize that money is fluid? "Rich" people make their money work for them. Tax them too much and they MOVE IT AWAY FROM THE TAXES! Ask the Kennedys. Did Rose probate her estate in Massachusetts? HELL NO. Somehow Florida was chosen because it has little or no estate taxes. So how did Massachusetts benefit from that? It didn't. Anyone who dies with $7 million is smart enough to find a way around a confiscatory estate tax. The burden will fall to the rank and file taxpayer. A new entitlement will have been created. OH JOY! Just what we need. More people getting money for nothing. The cutoff for the give away is $100,000 PER COUPLE. $50K if you expect the entire $1000. What's next a "dictatorship of the proletariat"? With a democratic congress and Hillary at the helm it might just be time to take Osama up on his offer. Convert to Islam and scrap the tax laws altogether. Does it truly make a difference if you're on your hands and knees three times a day bowing to Mecca or to Washington, DC and her "Highness" awaiting coronation? This fraud has ZERO qualifications to be a US Senator let alone President of the United States of America. The media is already in bed with her. (Sorry for that image.) Is there no one out there to save us from her destruction of this nation? We need a return to self-determination, to responsibility and hard work. Enough with the give aways, welfare brats, illegal aliens, and political correctness. Without a return to what made America great we are doomed to either socialism and despair or fascism and desperation.

Hillary Clinton without makeup
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