Monday, November 03, 2008

It appears that the deck is stacked. Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd will likely have unrestrained control over America. Their plan is to make certain that this control does not revert to another party in our lifetimes if ever. The numbers of the needy increase logarithmically as the numbers of the producers dwindle. Our children are indoctrinated in liberal hogwash and denied meaningful education by their social engineering teachers. TV news and virtually all of the major newspapers are controlled by the Socialists. We all know that the "Fairness Doctrine" will destroy Talk Radio long before the next Congressional elections. Most conservative voices will be silenced by reducing their exposure or by lawsuit. Our social, financial and religious leaders have failed us or, worse yet, they have betrayed our trust. Do we even have any political leaders any more? Romney?, Guliani?, Palin? These people are neither leaders nor patriots. They are politicians at best.

America is on life support people. She has but a few hours left to live. You had best make your peace with her now and beg the forgiveness of our forefathers. How we have wasted their sacrifices.
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