Monday, November 03, 2008

It appears that the deck is stacked. Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd will likely have unrestrained control over America. Their plan is to make certain that this control does not revert to another party in our lifetimes if ever. The numbers of the needy increase logarithmically as the numbers of the producers dwindle. Our children are indoctrinated in liberal hogwash and denied meaningful education by their social engineering teachers. TV news and virtually all of the major newspapers are controlled by the Socialists. We all know that the "Fairness Doctrine" will destroy Talk Radio long before the next Congressional elections. Most conservative voices will be silenced by reducing their exposure or by lawsuit. Our social, financial and religious leaders have failed us or, worse yet, they have betrayed our trust. Do we even have any political leaders any more? Romney?, Guliani?, Palin? These people are neither leaders nor patriots. They are politicians at best.

America is on life support people. She has but a few hours left to live. You had best make your peace with her now and beg the forgiveness of our forefathers. How we have wasted their sacrifices.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Obama would never have reached this point without the breathless assistance of his media lackeys. He's a smooth salesman. He reveals more about himself in the rare faux pas than he does in a dozen speeches. Honestly however, we owe the death of the America we knew to the Republicans and not the Democrats. The Republicans had the House, Senate and Presidency. They could have packed the Supreme Ct and lower federal courts with Constitutional judges. They could have sliced takes, fixed the excess of Gay marriage and uncontrolled abortion extremes. Instead they decided to get even for decades of Democratic greed and corruption by getting theirs too. Now the pendulum has swung. The average man and woman is a mindless dolt. Addled by years of public school neglect and social engineering, they are incapable of independent thought. They rely on Oprah and Olbermann to "inform" them. With no real education or inclination to educate themselves, most "citizens" are sheep to be led one way or the other. Obama is now the shepherd. I'm hardly a biblical scholar, but I recall that somewhere therein Jesus warns us to "Beware false prophets". If Obama is not a false prophet he is least the Judas goat leading us to slaughter. God Bless American and God save us all!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Colin Powell has made it official. The coronation of Obama as Lord is assured. Once Lord Obama gets in he'll have control of the Executive and Legislative branches of the government as well as of all the media except, FoxNews, talk radio and the Supreme Ct. The "fairness Doctrine" will eliminate at least half of talk radio But wait, there's more! Since Bush got almost no federal judges appointed, Barak will flood all of those empty slots with more "progressives", read as socialist traitors, leaving only four Supreme Ct judges to defend America. Don't be surprised if one of them gets a "unexpected illness" and suddenly resigns or dies on the bench. I'm sure that comrade Putin can assist Lord Obama in this regard. Vlady knows how a takeover is done. Lord Obama will immediately be replace the "retired" judge with a Ginsberg (Ruth not Max) clone thereby removing the last bastion against the new USSA, the United Socialist States of America.

Anyone possessing firearms should immediately report same as stolen the day after the election. That way it will be harder to confiscate the only thing keeping you from becoming a sheep to be shorn by our new overlords, the limp wristed limousine liberals. Fear not, these effeminate socialists will become easy prey for the new Caliphate. The Mayans may have been optimistic in estimating "the End" as December 21, 2012. America won't make it that long and if it does, no one born before 1992 will recognize it.

Good job Democrats. You and your media lackeys have accomplished what Hitler, Tojo, Stalin, Krushev and Mao could only have dreamed of. The destruction of the American experement. I suggest that you savour your victory however because history indicates that it it won't last long. You take control as did Julius Caesar and Adolph Hitler, my manipulating the rules and decieving large segments of the populus. Their citizens also adored them also. Neither enjoyed a long tenure. All too soon we'll have another master. Lord Obama, neither you nor your hencemen (NBC, nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid) will be part of the new Caliphate. You socialists will LOVE Sharia law. It's very compassionate. Misogynists and homophobes will have something to enjoy also. Hillary in a Berka? Barney Frank "found missing"?

I'm calling Amazon for my copy of the Koran now. How about you?


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What could have been more damaging for a man who has tried to hold himself above the lesser issue of race? I thought his speech yesterday was a good one but he went on too long. Obviously Barak has some sympathy for the Reverend’s opinions even if he doesn't publicly embrace each one. I disagree with those that said Obama should throw Wright under the bus however. Barak appears much more stately by refusing to turn his back on his friend and mentor even if the man is a buffoon and a blatant racist. This is integrity. Perhaps as interesting as the Wright matter is, it's more interesting to speculate what the sycophant media types would be saying had it been a white male Republican whose spiritual adviser was espousing racist excrement. What if it was Mike Huckabee's preacher talking of the accomplishments of the white race? Romney had problems because of the strange practices of the Mormons. What if some Mormon of his acquaintance blamed the high crime rate on black on black violence, or the staggering illegitimacy rate in the black community or rampant promiscuity? Neither candidate would make it through the day!

Personally, I think that Obama is likely a fine and principled man. I respect him for not betraying his friend, but he demonstrates a staggering lack of judgment for a potential President of the PTA let alone the USA. The Democrat Super Delegates must now hand the nomination over to Hillary, as vile, self-interested and dishonest a person as the Presidency has seen since Nixon (her husband excepted of course). God save the United States.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Many pundits have questioned how Mitt Romney can catch the McCain freight train. The REAL question is why doesn't Ron Paul get more attention. He was almost totally ignored in Wednesday's debate but he made the most sense when he scolded both Romney & McCain for arguing over who said what instead of questioning the entire policy. This nation is doomed. None of the Republicans will beat either Obama or the Shrew. With a Democratic House and Senate there will be another terrorist attack on the US before the next President's term is over. The economy will tank to pre- Reagan levels. Gasoline will be over $5.00 a gallon. Taxes will go up and up to support illegal aliens and welfare layabouts. Nothing will be done to address Social Security's bankrupt status. The Russians will return to the old Soviet style. Neither the shrew Hillary nor the glib Obama have any solution to America's problem. Platitudes and giveaways may get votes but they don't address any issues. The "Great Society" is the real reason that we're in this mess to begin with. If 60% of the Nations budget is "entitlements" then American's needs to get less "entitled". We subsidize the weak and the useless so we get more and more of them. We refuse to seal our boarders because immigrants might be offended. Meanwhile tens of thousands of new illegals enter the county every day. The Democrats are the "feel good" party. They must spend and spend support the plantation system which continues to elect them. The Republicans could not resist the urge to feed at the public trough once they gained control of Conges. They got bounced in 2006 for that reason. The last three Democrats Presidents, Johnson, Carter and Clinton, were three of the worst Presidents in American History. Bill Clinton's "wife" has no qualifications to be President whatsoever and yet women all over the country will vote for her because "It's time". How vapid. It may be time for Margret Thatcher or Golda Meier, but not the bride of Clintonstein. The good news is it all ends on December 21, 2012 anyway! Kiss your ass Goodbye America. It was nice knowing you.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

"Stripped of all its covering, the naked question is, whether ours is a federal or consolidated government; a constitutional or absolute one; a government resting solidly on the basis of the sovereignty of the States, or on the unrestrained will of a majority; a form of government, as in all other unlimited ones, in which injustice, violence, and force must ultimately prevail." --South Carolina Senator John Calhoun, 1831

The Boston Globe of January 22, 2008 ran two op-ed pieces regarding the destruction of the Electoral College. Neither piece defended the institution. Rather, the argument was the best way to elect the President of the United States by popular vote. My how wonderful it would be if every man's vote counted the same. The ignorance of the position is astounding. While it is established that each state has the right to decide how its electors will vote, the scheme to unite the 11 most populous states in a effort to control the presidency is insidious. It betrays the principals and ideals of the founding fathers and seeks to subject the entire nation to the dictates of a minority of the country's locales, essentially, the coastal and urban areas. These "blue states", irritated that the rest of the nation has repeatedly rebuked their notions of nanny government, now believe that an end run around the Constitution will facilitate their unabated desire to dictate to those of us who disagree. Why should some rube in Kansas or Iowa have a say in government? The toothless and unwashed don't know what's good for them because the rail at the limousine liberals who regulate their every breath while holding themselves above the laws that they themselves create. How odd that these "dogooders" now wish to employ the same states rights that their carpetbagging ancestors successfully destroyed in the Civil War. If these 11 states are successful in this enterprise, the death of this once proud creation of enlightened men will soon cease to exist. Why not let New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco dictate? We all know that all things are better in these metropolis's do we not? None of these areas have crime, homelessness, unemployment, pestilence or disease. Each is an efficient engine of progress and a model of civics in action. PLEASE, spare the rest of the nation your guidance. Save us from the dictatorship of the illegitimate children of the Great Society, the uneducated of the metropolitan public schools and the self-proclaimed intellectuals. Is it any wonder that it these people who want to gut the Second Amendment and outlaw firearms? Alexander Hamilton was unambiguous on the importance of arms to a republic, writing in Federalist No. 28, "If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense....". Prepare to defend yourselves Kansas, Iowa and the rest of the 39 states. The dusk of the Republic approaches.
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