Friday, October 24, 2008

Obama would never have reached this point without the breathless assistance of his media lackeys. He's a smooth salesman. He reveals more about himself in the rare faux pas than he does in a dozen speeches. Honestly however, we owe the death of the America we knew to the Republicans and not the Democrats. The Republicans had the House, Senate and Presidency. They could have packed the Supreme Ct and lower federal courts with Constitutional judges. They could have sliced takes, fixed the excess of Gay marriage and uncontrolled abortion extremes. Instead they decided to get even for decades of Democratic greed and corruption by getting theirs too. Now the pendulum has swung. The average man and woman is a mindless dolt. Addled by years of public school neglect and social engineering, they are incapable of independent thought. They rely on Oprah and Olbermann to "inform" them. With no real education or inclination to educate themselves, most "citizens" are sheep to be led one way or the other. Obama is now the shepherd. I'm hardly a biblical scholar, but I recall that somewhere therein Jesus warns us to "Beware false prophets". If Obama is not a false prophet he is least the Judas goat leading us to slaughter. God Bless American and God save us all!

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