Monday, January 12, 2009

Well faithful readers it's Monday morning and time once again for

My weekly rants-

On Obama: I’m actually marginally pleased about his efforts thus far. Of course I’m not a “stimulus pkg” kind of guy and Leon Panetta to lead the CIA is an obscene joke. I’m told that there will likely be mass resignations by June ’09. We’ll see. I’m hoping that Obama is a master politician, ergo, willing to feed the liberal media machine while doing the “right thing” in the background. Maybe Panetta will just be a figurehead to shut up Reid, Pelosi, the Daily Kos and Move-On.Org. Gitmo gets renamed, Disney South and the terrorist scum still get to meet Allah early. I hope all the "virgins" look like Rosie O'Donnell.

Mandatory Military Service: I've begun to wonder if the Israelis are correct in making every able bodied man and woman serve in the military. It’s always the non-military guys who either start the damn wars in the first place or think that every war is to be fought by some kind of etiquette. There are really no rules in war. You either kill the other guy or he kills you. There’s no whoopies or do-overs, if you make a mistake you’re just dead, or worse! I love “24” (started again last night) because in it wars are waged by bureaucrats but fought by soldiers. Generally the carnage of war is blamed on those who suffer from it the most. Wars are generally caused by weakness and insecurity as often as by money and power. If the bureaucrats had to live the brutality of combat for a single day, they’d all shut the hell up and we’d have a far more peaceful world.

Return to Camelot, NOT: No excitement over Caroline Kennedy. I could find a better Senatorial candidate in the Monkey Jungle. She can’t speak, has no issue, and has ZERO qualifications to hold any office above Boston City Counsel. I could care less that she seems very unsteady on her feet or looks like 70 with a broken nose. (Man I remember her from a dance at Concord Academy and she was kind of cute from 20 yds away – LOL) That the same people who crucified Palin as unqualified, mocked her attractiveness and characterized her a blithering idiot, now champion the cause of this empty vessel, galls me to no end. The media love to rave about Republican hypocrisy on “family value” issues (Larry Craig, et als) but practice not what they preach when it come to virtually any Democrat (Barney Frank, Gary Studds, Chris Dodd, Bill Clinton, John Murtha, etc). How sad.

Blago's Bluff: Governor "Blago" and the end run - Clever move by "Hot Rod" in appointing an otherwise untainted black man to the Senate. The liberals can't say no to any black other than Clarence Thomas unless he/she opposes gay marriage or wants vouchers to get their kids out of a NEA dominated public school system. SO "Blago" gets to stick his dirty finger in the face of America and Harry Reid sucks it clean. WOW, what a pillar of fortitude. Of course only a complete fool would expect to find any backbone in the "World's Most Exclusive Club".

Having problems grasping the news? Maybe you're just brain dead from waching MSNBC. Check out this site for a weekly news re-cap even a liberal can comprehend. It appears to the right in the Video gadget or you can reach it directly at:

'Nuff said,

Your friendly neighborhood Libertarian

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